V. Krishna Murthy Naik, K. Sudhakar Babu, P. Malleswara Reddy, J. Latha
V. Krishna Murthy Naik1, K. Sudhakar Babu1, P. Malleswara Reddy1, J. Latha2
1Department of Chemistry, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, A.P, INDIA
2Department of Environmental Studies, Sri Krishnadevaraya University College of Engineering & Technology, S.K. University, Anantapuramu – 515003, A.P, INDIA
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2018
In this Present studies the biochemically active components of extract from Stem bark of Azadiractha indica obtained from Aantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India, being reported. The HPLC-FAME (Sillylation technique) analyses showed that the presence of 14 Phytocomponents in the Ether extract of Stem bark of Azadiractha indica viz D-lactic acid, Hydroxy acetic acid, Succinic acid, 2,3-di hydroxyl Propanoic acid, Fumaric acid, Hydro quinone, Malic acid, 5-oxo-L-Proline, Pyrogallol, Levo glucosan, 3,4-di hydroxy benzoic acid, Beta –D-Glucopyranose, Sucrose, Myo-Inositol. All these Phytocomponents are Pharmacologically important bioactive compounds.
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V. Krishna Murthy Naik, K. Sudhakar Babu, P. Malleswara Reddy, J. Latha. Evaluation of Phytocomponents from Ether Extract of Azdiractha indica by HPLC-Fame Method. Asian J. Research Chem. 2018; 11(2):400-404. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2018.00072.X
V. Krishna Murthy Naik, K. Sudhakar Babu, P. Malleswara Reddy, J. Latha. Evaluation of Phytocomponents from Ether Extract of Azdiractha indica by HPLC-Fame Method. Asian J. Research Chem. 2018; 11(2):400-404. doi: 10.5958/0974-4150.2018.00072.X Available on: