0974-4150 (Online)
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Author(s): Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Gangireddy Jayasimha Reddy, Pasupuleti Dheeraj Krishna, Syed Rahamathulla, Jyothi Vinay Krishna


DOI: 10.52711/0974-4150.2021.00056   

Address: Hindustan Abdul Ahad*, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Gangireddy Jayasimha Reddy, Pasupuleti Dheeraj Krishna, Syed Rahamathulla, Jyothi Vinay Krishna
Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) - Autonomous, Ananthapuramu – 515721, AP, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2021

The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) is one of the main regulated agencies wherein the submission and approval of the new drugs is done. This review is based on the process of submission to the ANDA as per FDA norms as described in paragraph IV submission in Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD and C Act). No drug would exist in the market until it gets accepted by regulatory authorities. The ANDA submission is for those firms seeking to copy branded drugs before running out of patents to get profit on them. A generic applicant must provide in its application a "certification" that a patent submitted to FDA by the brand-name drug's sponsor and scheduled in FDA's Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (the Orange Book). A Generic Product must meet the standards recognized by FDA in Reference listed drugs (RLD). This study concludes the process of ANDA submission to FDA and acts correlated to the submission in paragraph IV, the details of ANDA filling in the eCTD format and overview of the review process the checklist to the applicant.

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Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Gangireddy Jayasimha Reddy, Pasupuleti Dheeraj Krishna, Syed Rahamathulla, Jyothi Vinay Krishna. Abbreviated New Drug Application Process: A Gift for The Industry and The Patients. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2021; 14(5):331-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2021.00056

Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Haranath Chinthaginjala, Gangireddy Jayasimha Reddy, Pasupuleti Dheeraj Krishna, Syed Rahamathulla, Jyothi Vinay Krishna. Abbreviated New Drug Application Process: A Gift for The Industry and The Patients. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry. 2021; 14(5):331-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2021.00056   Available on:

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