Jyoti Anant Kulkarni, Sureshbhai Patel
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Jyoti Anant Kulkarni1 and Sureshbhai Patel2
1Department of Chemistry, R. C. Patel Art’s, Commerce, Science College, Shirpur - 425 405 (MS) India
2Department of Chemistry, S. P. D. M. Art’s, Science, Commerce College, Shirpur 425 405 (MS) India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 3,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2010
A soil analysis is made to find out the extent and distribution of plants food elements and thus determined which elements are the limiting factors in crop production. The chief value1 of a chemical analysis is to serve as an absolute foundation upon which methods of soil treatment can safely of permanents soil enrichment for progressive improvement. Assessment of a soil’s fertility status involves an estimation of its available nutrient status. The need for estimation of available nutrient arises because only a small fraction of what the soil contains is in the plant available form and this fraction too is not directly proportional to the total nutrient content of the soil. For the Shirpur Tahasil of Maharashtra, 30 soil sample from different villages were analyzed for their pH electrical conductivity and nutrient contents such as nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Organic Carbon, Calcium and Magnesium. The routine methods of analyses were followed.
Soil tests are calibrated by co-relating them with crop response and the results form the basis for making fertilizer recommendation.
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Jyoti Anant Kulkarni, Sureshbhai Patel. Effects of Nutrients in Soil Analysis of Shirpur Tahasil Region. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(3): July- Sept. 2010; Page 596-599.
Jyoti Anant Kulkarni, Sureshbhai Patel. Effects of Nutrients in Soil Analysis of Shirpur Tahasil Region. Asian J. Research Chem. 3(3): July- Sept. 2010; Page 596-599. Available on: