Bhaskar T. Bhoir, Harishchandra D. Jirimali, Vijaykumar M. Navale, Shubhangi N. Deonikar, Bhausaheb P. More
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Bhaskar T. Bhoir, Harishchandra D. Jirimali*, Vijaykumar M. Navale, Shubhangi N. Deonikar, Bhausaheb P. More*
Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Nanded - 431601, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 5,
Year - 2024
The analysis of medico legal cases for forensic science aspect, paint from the suspect's and the victims vehicle can be matched, identified and convictions can be made. In the present case the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and UV-Vis spectroscopic analysis was carried out for the identification of the suspect's vehicle. The XRF analysis shows the different elemental composition of the paint from the victims vehicle and suspects vehicle. The composition of the paint transferred on the victims vehicle is identified by matching the XRF spectrum. Further confirmation of transfer of paint was carried out by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Both the methods of analysis confirms the paint transfer on the victims vehicle is from the suspect's vehicle. In this way the conclsion can be taken that the involvement of the suspects vehicle in hit and run case and sspect can be identified.
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Bhaskar T. Bhoir, Harishchandra D. Jirimali, Vijaykumar M. Navale, Shubhangi N. Deonikar, Bhausaheb P. More. Analysis of traces of the transferred paints by X-ray Fluorescence and UV-Vis spectroscopy to identify the suspect's vehicle for the Forensic science purpose: A Case Study. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(5):285-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00049
Bhaskar T. Bhoir, Harishchandra D. Jirimali, Vijaykumar M. Navale, Shubhangi N. Deonikar, Bhausaheb P. More. Analysis of traces of the transferred paints by X-ray Fluorescence and UV-Vis spectroscopy to identify the suspect's vehicle for the Forensic science purpose: A Case Study. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(5):285-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00049 Available on:
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