Pradyusa Samantray, Ramesh C. Pati, Chitta R. Panda, Swoyam P. Rou
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Pradyusa Samantray*, Ramesh C. Pati, Chitta R. Panda and Swoyam P. Rout
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar 751004 India
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, (CSIR), Bhubaneswar 751013 India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 4,
Issue - 6,
Year - 2011
The main objective of this paper is to examine pollution threat, especially to the groundwater resources, around Paradip industrial area located on the Bay of Bengal Coast in Port city of Orissa, India and suggest remedial measures that may also be relevant to other industrial areas on the Indian Sea Coast. Twenty two samples were collected from various sources, such as dugwells, borewells, dug-cum-borewells for chemical analyses. These analyses show that the area in general is characterized by hard water and slightly salinity hazard, possibly due to its proximity and hydraulic connection with the sea. Although the potability of groundwater is questionable in certain pockets, it is good enough for irrigation purposes at present. Low pH value and high organic pollutant contents in the adjoining Atharbanki creek and Taldanda canal water is a matter of great concern and may be attributed to the indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents to the drainage channels connecting the creek. Ground water quality varies widely, even at short distances, depending on hydrogeological conditions, pumping period, depth of aquifer, type of soil, and human activities. The degradation of groundwater quality is mainly due to the pollution caused by the rural use of land, as well as its intensive exploitation. The salination and toxicity are potential problems of groundwater quality, especially in some areas, indicating that there is a need to take direct actions for the purpose of the optimum management of water resources in the Region of Paradip.
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Pradyusa Samantray, Ramesh C. Pati, Chitta R. Panda, Swoyam P. Rou. The Problem of Ground Water Pollution: A Case Study from Paradip Port City, India. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(6): June, 2011; Page 949-956.
Pradyusa Samantray, Ramesh C. Pati, Chitta R. Panda, Swoyam P. Rou. The Problem of Ground Water Pollution: A Case Study from Paradip Port City, India. Asian J. Research Chem. 4(6): June, 2011; Page 949-956. Available on: