Gauri Risbud, Sandhya Menon, Sachin Palekar, Nandini Girish, Vijayshree Shedbale, Subhmita Dutta, Komal Jha, Akshat Shah
Gauri Risbud, Sandhya Menon, Sachin Palekar, Nandini Girish, Vijayshree Shedbale, Subhmita Dutta, Komal Jha, Akshat Shah
Department of Bioanalytical Sciences, Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mumbai.
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Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 6,
Year - 2024
Trachyspermum ammi is a well-known medicinal plant belonging to Apiaceae family which contains important compounds such as Thymol, Carvacrol, Pinene, Limonene, etc. These components are of high therapeutic importance. Thymol is an essential oil which shows multiple medicinal properties which is also an important bioactive marker of the plant. Thymol is a monoterpene used against multiple infections also exhibiting anaesthetic properties. It is a constituent used in mouth washes, toothpastes, etc. Common name of the plant is Ajwain which is used in traditional kitchen recipes as well. The objective of this paper is to discuss the strategies for designing, developing and validating a method for extraction and analysis of thymol by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Method was validated on reverse phase system by determining Selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, linearity/range, sensitivity, accuracy and precision following the ICH guidelines. Present work is aimed at quantifying thymol from the leaves of Trachyspermum ammi. The aim of this validation process is to ensure the robustness and reliability of the developed method for the accurate measurement of Thymol in ajwain leaves. This validated method can be instrumental in ensuring quality control of Ajwain-based products and furthering research into the therapeutic potential of Thymol.
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Gauri Risbud, Sandhya Menon, Sachin Palekar, Nandini Girish, Vijayshree Shedbale, Subhmita Dutta, Komal Jha, Akshat Shah. Method Development and Validation of Thymol from Trachyspermum ammi using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(6):319-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00054
Gauri Risbud, Sandhya Menon, Sachin Palekar, Nandini Girish, Vijayshree Shedbale, Subhmita Dutta, Komal Jha, Akshat Shah. Method Development and Validation of Thymol from Trachyspermum ammi using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry.2024; 17(6):319-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00054 Available on:
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