Chandramohan Marimuthu, Jayaganesh Murugan, Sruthi Sukumar, Ahamadabdul Quadir Buhari Khaleel
Chandramohan Marimuthu*, Jayaganesh Murugan, Sruthi Sukumar, Ahamadabdul Quadir Buhari Khaleel
Microcore Research Laboratories India Pvt Ltd., 9th km, 30 Feet Road, 204 – A Poondurai Main Road,
Checkmedu, Erode - 638115, Tamil Nadu.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 16,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2023
The main objective of this study relates to simple and economic process with stepwise enzymes treatment for the cost effective production of ethanol from Bagasse waste and Egg albumin waste. Sugarcane Bagasse waste was selected as inexpensive cellulosic feed stock, which has the general composition of 40-45% cellulose, 28-10% hemicellulose, and 19-21% lignin. Removal of lignin, tannin, to lose the bagasse fiber matrix by chemical treatment and stage wise addition of neutral and acid cellulose to facilitate release of reducing sugars by enzymatic treatment. Apparently the production of inexpensive sterile organic nitrogen from egg albumin waste with neutral protease and peptidase by enzymatic process. The obtained C: N was mixed in the ratio of 3:1used for the cost effective production of Ethanol from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Further this study includes the unhydrolysed part of Bagasse processing for the production of insoluble cellulose fiber as dietary supplement. 50 % reducing sugars recovered from Sugarcane Bagasse by chemical-enzyme coupled treatment and 90 % free amino acids recovered from albumin protein by enzyme treatment. 3:1 ratio of Carbohydrate: Nitrogen mixed in definite proportion inoculated with yeast enhances the conversion of ethanol to 79g/L yield on batch mode.
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Chandramohan Marimuthu, Jayaganesh Murugan, Sruthi Sukumar, Ahamadabdul Quadir Buhari Khaleel. Shake Flask Studies on Ethanol Production from Hydrolyze Bagasse and Egg Albumin Waste by using Enzymes and Chemicals. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 2023; 16(2):149-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2023.00024
Chandramohan Marimuthu, Jayaganesh Murugan, Sruthi Sukumar, Ahamadabdul Quadir Buhari Khaleel. Shake Flask Studies on Ethanol Production from Hydrolyze Bagasse and Egg Albumin Waste by using Enzymes and Chemicals. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 2023; 16(2):149-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-4150.2023.00024 Available on:
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